About Fairy Whore Mother

They are popping up everywhere.

Anonymous blogs and website offering to give advice and to help women looking to be Escorts, Dommes, PSO, Fetish models, Cam Girls, Pornstars, etc. Offering varying degrees of advice from the sort of helpful, to the down right dangerous. A lot are selling some kind of product or often a book. Almost all are fishing for your money. Some are real attempts to be helpful, though we at Fairy Whore Mother still believe that sex workers shouldn’t be making money on sex work resources, for other workers. Especially when it comes to safety information. Some can put you in harms way. The one thing they all have in common is they are anonymous or just as bad, they are a business model trying to reach into your wallet. Who’s behind the anonymous sex worker advice sites?  Who knows! It could be anyone.

From a helpful soul, to some former sex worker collating free info and presenting it as her own looking to squeeze you of cash. To a bacon eating, uniform wearing, stooge looking to give you a pair of shinny bracelets to wear. Or maybe a pimp looking to lure you into the fold. To some dude pretending to be an escort on the Internet to get his ridiculously small rocks off. Being anonymous, you have no idea who’s behind these sites. Therefore how can you trust them? How can you trust the advice or guidance to be truthful and not there to serve their own possible shady agendas? You can’t. You can’t trust them.

“A common sense, no nonsense advice and guidance blog”

There was a need and out of that need Fairy Whore Mother arose. It started simple enough when Savannah Darling tweeted she needed some sage advice on a client negotiation from her “Fairy Whore Mother” Jenny DeMilo. Really she just needed to be reassured she was in fact making the right decision but that day Fairy Whore Mother was born. Jenny bought the domain name and when Lauren Kiley  spent the following week with Jenny the idea was fleshed out. A common sense, no nonsense advice and guidance blog for sex workers, that was written by women who had a lot of experience and currently working in the business was missing from the sex worker world.

Women who have long histories and reputations. Women that could actually be vetted as real sex workers. The rest as they say, is history.

These women have spent a long time learning the often hard learned lessons of sex work. They want to share that knowledge so others can benefit from it. All have a strong sense of community. No desire to blow smoke up anyone’s ass. They love to tell it like they know it and desire to share the wealth free of charge. Which is often rare in such a strange, compelling and sometimes very isolating business.

From the novice to the experienced sex worker they hope everyone can get a little something out of Fairy Whore Mother and can benefit from the trials and errors from their vast experiences in different facets of the sex industry.

Your Fairy Whore Mothers


Sage advice from bonifide whores